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- The First Electric Minibus In Turkey için Magazine Covers
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Etiket arşivi: ICM 2011
Japan EarthQuake hits the Automotive Industry
Japan Earthquake & Tsunami affects the automotive industry due to reactor and radiation problem. Companies of Vehicle Supplier such as NTK, Hitachi have the problems about that. Toyota and Honda are also directly affected by them so they decrease the … Okumaya devam et
Genel kategorisine gönderildi
automotive industry, hitachi, honda, ICM 2011, japan earthquake, japan earthquake automotive, japan professors, ntk, toyota, vehicle supplier ile etiketlendi
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IEEE ICM 2011 in Turkey
The international conference of Mechatronics have organized in Turkey on April 13-15, 2011. Ahmet APAK has also an article which is Design and Construction of Electric Minibus. Ahmet presented it on April 14, 2011. Mechatronics is defined as the synergistic … Okumaya devam et
Genel kategorisine gönderildi
ahmet apak, automotive, design and construction of electric minibus, electric minibus, electric vehicle, ICM 2011, international conference of mechatronics, mechatronics ile etiketlendi
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